PHD Position Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 30-05-2024

  1. Vacatures Westerkwartier
  2. PHD Position Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 30-05-2024

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Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI Over

  • Location: Groningen

  • Institution: University of Groningen, Faculty of Science and Engineering

  • Function type: PhD position

  • Closing date: 27 June 2024

We are looking for a highly motivated and qualified PhD student/researcher who will work towards developing new (machine learning and deep learning-based) algorithms and procedures that exploit human labelling and machine-based clustering efficiently. Human labelling (from Dutch cultural heritage partners) will address not only text but also other multimodal attributes of scanned text images (layout, graphics). The ultimate goal is to realize AI systems with a deep understanding of what a document is about.

Within the dynamic HAICu team, the PhD researcher will participate in Work Package 2, titled Continual Machine Learning and Humans in the Loop. In this Work Package, we will collaborate with digital humanities researchers from the University of and partners from Dutch cultural heritage institutions, such as the Nationaal Archief, Collectie Overijssel, and Groninger Archieven.

Job opportunities at the European AI Office for Seconded National Experts from EU public bodies

The Commission has issued calls to recruit Seconded National Experts ( SNEs ), to be posted at the European AI Office, as Legal, Policy or Technology specialists. They will contribute to the implementation of the AI Act. SNEs are public sector employees from EU Member States, including for instance from ministries or universities, who are seconded to an EU institution for a fixed period.

If you are interested, please contact your employer's HR department in your Member State, provided that they are a public body. You can also contact your country's permanent representation to the EU for information about current opportunities.

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FunctietitelPhd Position
Indicatie salaris (min – max]onbekend – onbekend
Aantal uren (min – max)1 – 40
Contactgegevensonbekend , onbekend onbekend
Type contractVast
LocatieGroningen, Groningen,Nederland
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